GRAI hosts a monthly intergenerational book club for reading and discussing LGBTIQA+ themed books – Last Wednesday of the month 6-7pm
Find out more on our Facebook Page

GRAI hosts a monthly intergenerational book club for reading and discussing LGBTIQA+ themed books – Last Wednesday of the month 6-7pm
Find out more on our Facebook Page
We are blessed to live on Whadjuk Noongar Country. We acknowledge that Noongar people remain the custodians of their Country, and that they continue to practice their values, languages, cultures, beliefs and knowledge. We pay our respects to the Elders and knowledge holders of the Country on which we live, work, love and travel.
GRAI honours the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex pioneers and respect the full diversity of our communities. We recognise the prejudice and trauma many LGBTI people experience and celebrate our strength and perseverance.
A note on terminology: GRAI uses the initialism LGBTI to refer to older people (50+) of diverse genders, sexualities and sex characteristics, as this reflects their lived experience and recognises that some terms like ‘queer’ were used as a slur when they were younger. GRAI recognises that the initialism does not capture the full diversity of sexualities, bodies, identities, cultures, and experiences that exist within our community, however we also recognise the value of the term LGBTI when exploring collective experiences of stigma, discrimination, and marginalisation, and when advocating for LGBTI rights and inclusivity for older people. GRAI also uses LGBTQIA+/LGBTQI+ when referring to a younger cohort or citing Government documents to align with the terminology.
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