LGBTI Inclusive Workshop

LGBTI Aged Care Inclusivity Workshops
Our Voices have changed the World

Our Voices have changed the World: Reflections from older LGBTI people
Queer Book Club

GRAI hosts a monthly intergenerational book club for reading and discussing LGBTIQA+ themed books – Last Wednesday of the month 6-7pm Find out more on our Facebook Page
Volunteers Wanted

Do you have some free time and desire to engage and learn with and from older LGBTI people? GRAI is seeking volunteers for several new projects that will commence from July 2023 that will focus on connecting younger LGBTIQ+ people with older LGBTI people on a regular basis. We are seeking people 18+, 25+ and […]

GRAI organises a Mahjong group on some Wednesdays this year. Please have a look at our Mahjong Group page to learn more.