Donations & Bequests

LGBTI elders rely on your support

You can support GRAI’s work with and on behalf of older LGBTI in several other ways.


GRAI is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) with the Australian Taxation Office. Donations to GRAI are tax deductible for amounts of $2 or more.

BSB: 016 141
Account: 113438480
Ac Name: GLBTI Rights in Ageing Inc (GRAI)

Reference: Please use your first initial and last name, plus “Donation”. For example:

“J Smith Donation”. Then email to let us know so we can send you a receipt.


By including GRAI in your Will, you will be leaving a legacy to support older LGBTI people in WA and assist GRAI to offer support and programs for anyone in need of support, connection, assistance, or just a caring voice.

Download the Bequest Flyer and Policy for more information